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Inicio  /  Information  /  Vol: 11 Par: 9 (2020)  /  Artículo

Determinants of Social Media Usage in Business by Women: Age and Development of the Country

Magdalena Madra-Sawicka    
Joanna Paliszkiewicz and Jeretta Horn Nord    


This paper aims to identify the most important social media purposes of usage by responding women?s attitudes according to age and the economic stage of development of their respective country. Research was done through an online survey in 2017?2018 followed by an analyses of the results from eight countries: four countries that represent an emerging economy and four developed economies. Participants responded to questions concerning social technologies and their purposes of usage as well as resulting job opportunities. The conducted analysis of regarding Facebook as a platform resulted in the highest number of responses in the survey. In this paper, detailed results are presented including a comparative analysis between two groups of economies. Findings reveal that in both groups, the usage of Facebook in business is related mostly to a positive experience. The result showed that among women in emerging economies, social media were used more broadly, and from an age perspective, the results show that marketing is a key benefit emphasized among older respondents. The communication benefit of Facebook usage in business was noticed as a key factor by respondents in groups from both developed and emerging economies.

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