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Inicio  /  Information  /  Vol: 11 Par: 6 (2020)  /  Artículo

A Metric Learning-Based Univariate Time Series Classification Method

Kuiyong Song    
Nianbin Wang and Hongbin Wang    


High-dimensional time series classification is a serious problem. A similarity measure based on distance is one of the methods for time series classification. This paper proposes a metric learning-based univariate time series classification method (ML-UTSC), which uses a Mahalanobis matrix on metric learning to calculate the local distance between multivariate time series and combines Dynamic Time Warping(DTW) and the nearest neighbor classification to achieve the final classification. In this method, the features of the univariate time series are presented as multivariate time series data with a mean value, variance, and slope. Next, a three-dimensional Mahalanobis matrix is obtained based on metric learning in the data. The time series is divided into segments of equal intervals to enable the Mahalanobis matrix to more accurately describe the features of the time series data. Compared with the most effective measurement method, the related experimental results show that our proposed algorithm has a lower classification error rate in most of the test datasets.

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