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Numerical Simulation of Flow and Temperature Fields in a Deep Stratified Reservoir Using Water-Separating Curtain

Lifang Zhang    
Jianmin Zhang    
Yong Peng    
Jiangyang Pan and Zhongxian Peng    


In this work, the flow and temperature fields of a thermally stratified reservoir under different settings of a water-separating curtain are simulated by using the standard k-e turbulence model. In the simulation, two different equations of state including Boussinesq approximation and the density-temperature function have been used and compared. This study shows that Boussinesq approximation is more time-saving, and the density-temperature function has higher computational accuracy. Thus, the standard k-e turbulence model with two equations of state is applied to study the effect of adding a water-separating curtain in the stratified reservoir on the Discharged Water Temperature (DWT). It is found that adding the Water-Separating Curtain (WSC) can effectively increase the discharged water temperature. Moreover, the different arrangements of WSC have obvious effects on the discharged water temperature. For example, the increased temperature by adding a WSC with full sealing is 1 °C higher than that by using the WSC with a bottom opening height of 2 m. However, the maximum pressure difference acting on the WSC for the former WSC is 100 Pa higher than that for the latter WSC. In addition, this study shows that the different equations of state have little effect on the simulation results. Considering the calculation efficiency, equations of state using the Boussinesq approximation can be recommended to save the calculation time.

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