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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 15 Par: 15 (2023)  /  Artículo

Dynamic Risk Assessment of Landslide Hazard for Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Plants under Extreme Rainfall Conditions

Ru Li    
Siyi Huang and Hongqiang Dou    


Large-scale photovoltaic power plants located in highland mountainous areas are vulnerable to landslides due to extreme rainfall, posing a significant threat to the normal operation of photovoltaic power plants. However, limited research has been conducted on landslide risk assessment specifically tailored to large photovoltaic power plants, with most studies focusing on static assessments that lack long-term sustainability in risk assessment and prediction. In this paper, a dynamic study on landslide risk at a large photovoltaic power plant project under extreme rainfall conditions is conducted. Firstly, the factors in landslide susceptibility assessment based on typical landslide characteristics in the study area are selected and an assessment index database using mapping units to extract the relevant factors is established. Subsequently, the ANP-FBN model is employed to evaluate the landslide susceptibility of large photovoltaic power plant sites. Furthermore, an assessment index system for landslide hazard vulnerability is developed by considering population, economic, and material vulnerabilities, and the AHP method is adapted to assess landslides vulnerability in the study area. Finally, the landslide rainfall threshold with the susceptibility and vulnerability assessment results are coupled to achieve a dynamic assessment of landslide hazard risk at large photovoltaic power plant sites under extreme rainfall conditions. The findings highlight that the central valley and the eastern steep slope of the study area are the primary ?high? and ?very high? risk areas. Moreover, with the increase in rainfall duration, the risk level of landslide hazards in the study area also rises.

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