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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 13 Par: 7 (2023)  /  Artículo

Computer-Based Simulated Learning Activities: Exploring Saudi Students? Attitude and Experience of Using Simulations to Facilitate Unsupervised Learning of Science Concepts

Aseel Alhadlaq    


Today, computer-based simulations are widely used in a range of industries and fields for various purposes. They are helpful in testing different scenarios and hypotheses, allowing users to explore the consequences of different decisions and actions. This study aimed to explore the university students? attitudes and experiences of using simulations to facilitate their unsupervised (without teachers? support) learning of science concepts. This study involved 566 university students who used online simulations so support their unsupervised learning of science content in physics, chemistry, math, earth science, and biology. The data collected via a cross-sectional survey were analyzed using parametric statistics. The participants of the study showed a high -level of engagement and satisfaction with the use of simulations for unsupervised science learning, suggesting that computer-based simulations have the potential to serve as a user-centered learning interface capable of engaging university students without the teachers? support. This study did not find a gender-based divide in the students? experiences. Participants? independent learning abilities were found to have a significant positive influence on their satisfaction and engagement. The results of this study have theoretical and practical implications for science learning beyond classroom walls.

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