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Inicio  /  Applied System Innovation  /  Vol: 3 Par: 1 (2020)  /  Artículo

Structural Anatomy of Tunnel Void Defect in Bobbin Friction Stir Welding, Elucidated by the Analogue Modelling

Abbas Tamadon    
Dirk J. Pons and Don Clucas    


The potential position for tunnel defect within the structure of bobbin-tool friction stir welds was studied by analogue modelling. The welding process was simulated on layered plasticine slabs instead, compared to the aluminum plates. Observations in the modelled structure showed a high possibility for a continuous channelled discontinuity, like a tunnel-shaped void defect, in the entry zone of the weld, which mirrors the metal welding. The anatomy of tunnel defect in the entry zone was explained according to the mechanics of material during the plastic deformation process.

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