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Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 14 Par: 3 (2021)  /  Artículo

Online Facility Location in Evolving Metrics

Dimitris Fotakis    
Loukas Kavouras and Lydia Zakynthinou    


The Dynamic Facility Location problem is a generalization of the classic Facility Location problem, in which the distance metric between clients and facilities changes over time. Such metrics that develop as a function of time are usually called ?evolving metrics?, thus Dynamic Facility Location can be alternatively interpreted as a Facility Location problem in evolving metrics. The objective in this time-dependent variant is to balance the trade-off between optimizing the classic objective function and the stability of the solution, which is modeled by charging a switching cost when a client?s assignment changes from one facility to another. In this paper, we study the online variant of Dynamic Facility Location. We present a randomized ??(log??+log??) O ( log m + log n ) -competitive algorithm, where m is the number of facilities and n is the number of clients. In the first step, our algorithm produces a fractional solution, in each timestep, to the objective of Dynamic Facility Location involving a regularization function. This step is an adaptation of the generic algorithm proposed by Buchbinder et al. in their work ?Competitive Analysis via Regularization.? Then, our algorithm rounds the fractional solution of this timestep to an integral one with the use of exponential clocks. We complement our result by proving a lower bound of O(??) O ( m ) for deterministic algorithms and lower bound of O(log??) O ( log m ) for randomized algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first results for the online variant of the Dynamic Facility Location problem.

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