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Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 15 Par: 11 (2022)  /  Artículo

Domination and Independent Domination in Extended Supergrid Graphs

Jong-Shin Chen    
Ruo-Wei Hung    
Fatemeh Keshavarz-Kohjerdi and Yung-Fa Huang    


Supergrid graphs are derived by computing stitch paths for computerized embroidery machines. In the past, we have studied the Hamiltonian-related properties of supergrid graphs and their subclasses of graphs. In this paper, we propose a generalized graph class for supergrid graphs called extended supergrid graphs. Extended supergrid graphs include grid graphs, supergrid graphs, diagonal supergrid graphs, and triangular supergrid graphs as subclasses of graphs. In this paper, we study the problems of domination and independent domination on extended supergrid graphs. A dominating set of a graph is the subset of vertices on it, such that every vertex of the graph is in this set or adjacent to at least a vertex of this set. If any two vertices in a dominating set are not adjacent, this is called an independent dominating set. Domination and independent domination problems find a dominating set and an independent dominating set with the least number of vertices on a graph, respectively. The domination and independent domination set problems on grid graphs are known to be NP-complete, meaning that these two problems on extended supergrid graphs are also NP-complete. However, the complexities of these two problems in other subclasses of graphs remain unknown. In this paper, we first prove that these two problems on diagonal supergrid graphs are NP-complete, then, by a simple extension, we prove that these two problems on supergrid graphs and triangular supergrid graphs are also NP-complete. In addition, these two problems on rectangular supergrid graphs are known to be linearly solvable; however, the complexities of these two problems on rectangular triangular-supergrid graphs remain unknown. This paper provides tight upper bounds on the sizes of the minimum dominating and independent dominating sets for rectangular triangular-supergrid graphs.

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