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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 12 Par: 10 (2022)  /  Artículo

Optimization of Apron Support Vehicle Operation Scheduling Based on Multi-Layer Coding Genetic Algorithm

Jichao Zhang    
Xiaolei Chong    
Yazhi Wei    
Zheng Bi and Qingkun Yu    


Operation scheduling of apron support vehicles is an important factor affecting aircraft support capability. However, at present, the traditional support methods have the problems of low utilization rate of support vehicles and low support efficiency in multi-aircraft support. In this paper, a vehicle scheduling model is constructed, and a multi-layer coding genetic algorithm is designed to solve the vehicle scheduling problem. In this paper, the apron support vehicle operation scheduling problem is regarded as a Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP), and the support vehicles and their support procedures are adjusted via the sequential sorting method to achieve the optimization goals of shortening the support time and improving the vehicle utilization rate. Based on a specific example, the job scheduling before and after the optimization of the number of support vehicles is simulated using a multi-layer coding genetic algorithm. The results show that compared with the traditional support scheme, the vehicle scheduling time optimized via the multi-layer coding genetic algorithm is obviously shortened; after the number of vehicles is optimized, the support time is further shortened and the average utilization rate of vehicles is improved. Finally, the optimized apron support vehicle number configuration and the best scheduling scheme are given.

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