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Different Sourcing Point of Interest Matching Method Considering Multiple Constraints

Chengming Li    
Li Liu    
Zhaoxin Dai and Xiaoli Liu    


Point of interest (POI) matching is critical but is the most technically difficult part of multi-source POI fusion. The accurate matching of POIs from different sources is important for the effective reuse of POI data. However, the existing research on POI matching usually adopts weak constraints, which leads to a low POI matching accuracy. To address the shortcomings of previous studies, this paper proposes a POI matching method with multiple determination constraints. First, according to various attributes (name, class, and spatial location), a new calculation model considering spatial topology, name role labeling, and bottom-up class constraints is established. In addition, the optimal threshold values corresponding to the different attribute constraints are determined. Second, according to the multiattribute constraint values and optimal thresholds, a constraint model with multiple strict determination constraints is proposed. Finally, actual POI data from Baidu Map and Gaode Map in Dongying city is used to validate the method. Comparing to the existing method, the accuracy and recall of the proposed method increase 0.3% and 7.1%, respectively. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed POI matching method attains a high matching accuracy and high feasibility.

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