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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 13 Par: 15 (2023)  /  Artículo

Mosaicing Technology for Airborne Wide Field-of-View Infrared Image

Lei Dong    
Fangjian Liu    
Mingchao Han and Hongjian You    


Multi-detector parallel scanning is derived from the traditional airborne panorama camera, and it has a great lateral field of view. A wide field-of-view camera can be used to obtain an area of remote sensing image by whisk broom mood during the flight. The adjacent image during acquisition should cover the overlap region according to the flight path, and then the regional image can be generated by image processing. Complexity and difficulty are increased during the regional image processing due to some interference factors of aircraft in flight. The overlap of the acquired regional image is constantly variable. Depending on the analysis of the imaging geometric principle of a wide field-of-view scanning camera, this paper proposes the rigorous geometric model of geoposition. The infrared image mosaic technology is proposed according to the features of regional images through the SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) operator to extract the two best-matching point pairs in the adjacent overlap region. We realize the coarse registration of adjacent images according to image translation, rotation, and a scale model of image geometric transformation, and then the local fine stitching is realized using the normalized cross-correlation matching strategy. The regional mosaic experiment of aerial multi-detector parallel scanning infrared image is processed to verify the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.

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