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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 12 Par: 2 (2022)  /  Artículo

A Novel Synthetization Approach for Multi Coupled Line Section Impedance Transformers in Wideband Applications

Nan Zhang    
Xiaolong Wang    
Chunxi Bao    
Bin Wu    
Chun-Ping Chen    
Zhewang Ma and Geyu Lu    


In this paper, a novel synthetization approach is proposed for filter-integrated wideband impedance transformers (ITs). The original topology consists of N cascaded coupled line sections (CLSs) with 2N characteristic impedance parameters. By analyzing these characteristic impedances, a Chebyshev response can be derived to consume N + 2 design conditions. To optimize the left N - 2 variable parameters, CLSs were newly substituted by transmission lines (TLs) to consume the remaining variable parameters and simplify the circuit topology. Therefore, there are totally 2N - N - 2 substituting possibilities. To verify the proposed approach, 25 cases are listed under the condition of N = 5, and 7 selected cases are compared and discussed in detail. Finally, a 75?50 O IT with 100% fractional bandwidth and 20 dB bandpass return loss (RL) is designed and fabricated. The measured results meet the circuit simulation and the EM simulation accurately.

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