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Inicio  /  Infrastructures  /  Vol: 6 Par: 8 (2021)  /  Artículo

Comparing the Cost of Rigid and Flexible Aircraft Pavements Using a Parametric Whole of Life Cost Analysis

Greg White    


The construction and maintenance costs, as well as the residual value, were calculated for structurally equivalent rigid and flexible airfield pavements, for a range of typical commercial aircraft, as well as a range for typical subgrade conditions. Whole of life cost analysis was performed for a range of analysis periods, from 40 years to 100 years. For the standard 40-year analysis period and a residual value based on rigid pavement reconstruction, the rigid pavements had a 40% to 105% higher whole of life cost than equivalent flexible pavements, although this comparison is limited to the pavement compositions and material cost rates adopted. However, longer analysis periods had a significant impact on the relative whole of life cost, although the rigid pavements always had a higher cost than the flexible pavements. The assumed condition of the rigid pavement at the end of the design life was the most influential factor, with a 60-year service life resulting in the rigid pavements having a lower whole of life cost than the flexible pavements, but assuming a requirement for expedient rigid pavement reconstruction resulted in the rigid pavements costing approximately 4?6 times the cost of the flexible pavements over the 40-year analysis period.

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