A population of sea urchins, Paracentrotus lividus, from the central west coast of Portugal was studied to characterise their reproductive biology and possible relationships with environmental factors. An annual gametogenic cycle was found, with a broad spawning season, from May to November, according to a relatively synchronous gamete maturation process. Depending on the environmental factors (temperature, photoperiod), two separate periods could be distinguished, with more individuals maturing and spawning at the same time. When this happened, the first event evolved when temperature rose to a critical point, and the second occurred afterwards, when temperature decreased significantly. Notwithstanding, it was found that individuals matured later than previously described for other populations (e.g., north of Portugal), mostly in late spring, with a higher gonadosomatic index in May. A new classification scale was proposed for identifying the stages of P. lividus gametogenic cycle, based on new findings. It contributed to its simplification and easier comprehension. This study provides useful information for a differentiated sustainable management of P. lividus, according to local conditions. Establishing a closed harvesting season might be considered, based on the differences observed between Portuguese populations and other European ones.