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Effects of Kuroshio and Mesoscale Eddy on Fishing Ground Gravity of Neon Flying Squid Ommastrephes bartramii in Northwest Pacific Ocean

Jiasheng Li    
Xuesen Cui    
Fenghua Tang    
Wei Fan    
Zhen Han and Zuli Wu    


Understanding the spatial patterns of neon flying squid is important for the monitoring and management of fishery resources. Mesoscale eddies and the Kuroshio Extension play important roles in the variation of the fishing ground of Ommastrephes bartramii. However, the way in which eddies and the Kuroshio influence the distribution of Ommastrephes bartramii requires further understanding. In this study, the spatial variation in the distribution of fishing activity and the change of fishing ground gravity of squid were analyzed using automatic identification system (AIS) data. There is a positive correlation between the fishing ground gravity in latitudinal direction and Kuroshio Extension indicators based on the high-frequency eddy kinetic energy (EKE), which describes the Kuroshio variations. Furthermore, the Kuroshio Extension indicators show a positive relationship with the number of the eddies generated in the fishing ground. The results suggest that the changes in the dynamics of SST anomalies could be influenced by eddy-shedding processes in the upstream KE and then alter the distribution of the fishing ground for Ommastrephes bartramii. The Kuroshio index (mean high-frequency eddy kinetic energy between 32° and 37° N, 142° and 149° E) can be used as a good indicator of Kuroshio extension variations to investigate the squid fishing ground in the Kuroshio?Oyashio transition area.

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