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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 10 Par: 21 (2020)  /  Artículo

SPEKS: Forward Private SGX-Based Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search

Hyundo Yoon    
Soojung Moon    
Youngki Kim    
Changhee Hahn    
Wonjun Lee and Junbeom Hur    


Public key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) enables users to search over encrypted data outsourced to an untrusted server. Unfortunately, updates to the outsourced data may incur information leakage by exploiting the previously submitted queries. Prior works addressed this issue by means of forward privacy, but most of them suffer from significant performance degradation. In this paper, we present a novel forward private PEKS scheme leveraging Software Guard Extension (SGX), a trusted execution environment provided by Intel. The proposed scheme presents substantial performance improvements over prior work. Specifically, we reduce the query processing cost from ??(??) O ( n ) to ??(1) O ( 1 ) , where n is the number of encrypted data. According to our performance analysis, the overall computation time is reduced by 80% on average. Lastly, we provide a formal security definition of SGX-based forward private PEKS, as well as a rigorous security proof of the proposed scheme.

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