Seawater turbidity is a common water quality indicator measured in situ and estimated from space on a regular basis. However, it is rarely correlated with the inherent optical properties of seawater, which convey information about seawater composition. In this study, we show a simple application of the turbidimeter?s weighting function in the estimation of the backscattering coefficient of a model inorganic suspension in seawater. First, we introduce a method to measure the instrument?s weighting function which describes the sensor?s angular response in terms of scattering angles. The determination of the sensor-specific weighting function led us to characterize its angular sensitivity to the presence of suspended particles. The highest sensitivity for the Seapoint turbidimeter is in the range of 114°?128° (containing 25% of the total signal). Next, we describe the correlations between turbidity and the scattering and backscattering coefficients on the example of the model of inorganic particle suspension using the calculations based on Mie theory. The correlations are analyzed for narrow size fractions of the particle size distribution of silica in the range of 0.59?190 µm. We established that there is a good linear correlation (characterized by the coefficient of determination r2 = 0.979) between the part of the scattering coefficient measured by the turbidimeter and the backscattering coefficient of all size fractions of the model inorganic suspension.