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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 13 Par: 3 (2023)  /  Artículo

Design of a Low-Energy Earth-Moon Flight Trajectory Using a Planar Auxiliary Problem

Ilya Nikolichev and Vladimir Sesyukalov    


The paper presents a sufficiently simple technique for designing a low-energy flight trajectory of a spacecraft (SC) from the Earth to the Moon with insertion into a low circular orbit of the latter. The proposed technique is based on the solution and subsequent analysis of a special model problem, which is a variant of the restricted circular four-body problem (RC4BP) Earth-Sun-SC-Moon; for which it is assumed that the planes of the orbits of all considered bodies coincides. The planar motion of the center of mass of the SC relative to the Earth is considered as perturbed (Sun, Moon). To describe it, equations in osculating elements are used, obtained by using the method of variation of constants based on the analytical solution of the planar circular restricted problem of two bodies (RC2BP)?Earth-SC, for which the rotation of the main axes of the coordinate system (the main plane) is synchronized with the motion of the Sun. The trajectory problem of designing a SC flight from a low circular near-Earth orbit to a low circular selenocentric one (?full? motion model?a restricted four-body problem (R4BP), an ephemeris model) is considered as an optimization one in the impulse formulation. The solution of the main problem is carried out in few (three) stages, on each the appropriate solution of the current variant of the auxiliary problem is determined, which is subsequently used as the basis of the initial approximation to the main one.

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