Laboratory tests were carried out to investigate the cross-flow (CF) dynamic responses and hydrodynamic forces of a flexible pipe that subjected to vortex-induced vibration (VIV). The pipe had a critical mass ratio of 0.54 and an aspect ratio of 181.8. The uniform flow environment was realized by towing the pipe along a towing tank. The towing velocity ranged from 0.1?1.0 m/s with an interval of 0.05 m/s. Two axial pre-tension cases (200 N and 300 N) were enforced. The structural strains were measured at seven positions evenly distributed along the pipe. Then a modal analysis method was applied to reconstruct the displacement responses. It is revealed that the maximum CF displacement amplitude reached up to 2.18 pipe diameter and the strain response exhibited higher harmonic components. The CF dominant frequency gradually rises with the increase of reduced velocity and up to a three-order vibration mode can be observed. In addition, mean drag coefficient, lift force coefficient and added mass coefficient were also calculated to further investigate the fluid force feature of a low mass flexible pipe undergoing VIV.