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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 11 Par: 1 (2021)  /  Artículo

Fatigue Failure of a Pressing Machine

Martin Garan    
Vladimír Chmelko    
Miroslav ?ulko and Milo? Musil    


This article presents an analysis of the causes of a fatigue crack in the guide bar of a pressing device. The detailed analysis included the analysis of a material?s microstructure and its cyclic properties. Direct measurements of the strains during operation allowed the nominal loading process in the critical cross-section of the press subassembly to be obtained. The notch effect of the inner thread of the guide bar was analyzed using a precision FEM (finite element method) model and was followed by the transformation of the nominal loading into the notch root. A methodological approach was formulated based on the analyses made, which lay in the statistical interpretation of the factors leading to an identification of the cause of an early fracture.

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