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Inicio  /  Future Internet  /  Vol: 14 Par: 12 (2022)  /  Artículo

Implementation of the Canny Edge Detector Using a Spiking Neural Network

Krishnamurthy V. Vemuru    


Edge detectors are widely used in computer vision applications to locate sharp intensity changes and find object boundaries in an image. The Canny edge detector is the most popular edge detector, and it uses a multi-step process, including the first step of noise reduction using a Gaussian kernel and a final step to remove the weak edges by the hysteresis threshold. In this work, a spike-based computing algorithm is presented as a neuromorphic analogue of the Canny edge detector, where the five steps of the conventional algorithm are processed using spikes. A spiking neural network layer consisting of a simplified version of a conductance-based Hodgkin?Huxley neuron as a building block is used to calculate the gradients. The effectiveness of the spiking neural-network-based algorithm is demonstrated on a variety of images, showing its successful adaptation of the principle of the Canny edge detector. These results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs as a complete spike domain implementation of the Canny edge detector.

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