Intentional mistuning is a common procedure to decrease the uncontrolled vibration amplification effects of the (unavoidable) random mistuning, and to reduce the sensitivity to it. The idea is to introduce an intentional mistuning pattern that is small, but much larger than the existing random mistuning. The frequency of adjacent blades is moved apart by the intentional mistuning, reducing the blade-to-blade coupling and, thus, the effect of the random mistuning. In order to clearly show the action mechanisms of intentional mistuning, we focus in this work in a quite simple configuration: forced response of a blade dominated modal family in a mistuned rotor with linear material damping. The problem is analysed using the asymptotic mistuning model methodology. A more reduced order model is derived that allows us to understand the relevant parameters behind the effect of intentional mistuning, and gives a simple expression for the estimation of its beneficial effect. The results from the reduced model are checked against detailed FEM simulations of two mistuned rotors.