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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 13 Par: 2 (2023)  /  Artículo

Influence of Normal Stiffness and Shear Rate on the Shear Behaviors and Acoustic Emissions Characteristics of Artificial Rock Joints

Yujing Jiang    
Xinpeng Li    
Changsheng Wang    
Hengjie Luan    
Sunhao Zhang    
Gang Wang and Pu Wang    


Understanding the asperity damage behaviors of joints during shearing is critical for evaluating the stability of deep underground engineering structures. In this paper, we prepared plaster joints and used them for direct shear tests under different normal stiffness (0?7 MPa/mm) and various shear rate (0.5?20 mm/min) conditions. The effects of normal stiffness and shear rate on mechanical behavior and AE characteristics were studied. With the increase of normal stiffness, the damaged area of the surface of the joint and the weight of the damaged, rough body basically show a linear increase. With the increase of the shear rate, the peak shear stress and the final shear stress of the joint are non-linearly decreased (the decrease rate at the shear rate of 0.5?5 mm/min is much larger than that at the shear rate of 5?20 mm/min), more local cracks appear on the surface of the joint, and the dilatancy of the joint slightly decreases. More than 60% of the acoustic emission signals in the shearing process of the joint are concentrated in the post-peak phase. With the increase of normal stiffness, the cumulative number of acoustic emission impacts and cumulative energy both increase. With the increase in shear rate, the accumulated acoustic emission impact number decreases, and the accumulated AE energy tends to increase when the shear rate is 0.5?5 mm/min and decreases when the shear rate increases to 5?20 mm/min.

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