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An Improved Link Prediction Approach for Directed Complex Networks Using Stochastic Block Modeling

Lekshmi S. Nair    
Swaminathan Jayaraman and Sai Pavan Krishna Nagam    


Link prediction finds the future or the missing links in a social?biological complex network such as a friendship network, citation network, or protein network. Current methods to link prediction follow the network properties, such as the node?s centrality, the number of edges, or the weights of the edges, among many others. As the properties of the networks vary, the link prediction methods also vary. These methods are inaccurate since they exploit limited information. This work presents a link prediction method based on the stochastic block model. The novelty of our approach is the three-step process to find the most-influential nodes using the m-PageRank metric, forming blocks using the global clustering coefficient and, finally, predicting the most-optimized links using maximum likelihood estimation. Through the experimental analysis of social, ecological, and biological datasets, we proved that the proposed model outperforms the existing state-of-the-art approaches to link prediction.

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