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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 15 Par: 15 (2023)  /  Artículo

The Investigation of Local Scour around Bridge Piers with the Protection of a Quasi-Stumps Group

Yisheng Zhang    
Jiangfei Wang    
Qi Zhou    
Yingchun Cai and Wei Tang    


In this study, a quasi-stumps group structure was proposed and placed upstream of the bridge piers to mitigate the scour of the waterflow on the riverbed. Both experiment and numerical simulations using FLOW 3D were employed to study the protective effect of this structure. The numerical results were in good agreement with the experimental findings. It was found that the quasi-stumps group can effectively reduce the flow velocities around the bridge piers, thereby promoting the deposition of suspended sediment. As a result, there was no erosion around the piers, and instead, siltation was formed, which contributed to the stability of the piers. The deposition height around the piers increased as the L (the horizontal distance between the quasi-stumps group and the piers) decreased and both the P (the height of the quasi-stumps group) and S (the ratio of the area of a single leaf on the quasi-stumps group to the cross-sectional area of a single pier) increased. As the L, P, and S increased, the quantity of suspended sediment deposition over the entire riverbed increased. The optimal combination of the quasi-stumps group?s protective effect was determined to be L = D (pier diameter), P = H (water depth), and S = 0.148.

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