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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 15 Par: 15 (2023)  /  Artículo

Evaluation of Legacy Forest Harvesting Impacts on Dominant Stream Water Sources and Implications for Water Quality Using End Member Mixing Analysis

Robert W. Fines    
Micheal Stone    
Kara L. Webster    
Jason A. Leach    
James M. Buttle    
Monica B. Emelko and Adrian L. Collins    


Forests are critical water supply regions that are increasingly threatened by natural and anthropogenic disturbance. Evaluation of runoff-generating processes within harvested and undisturbed headwater catchments provides insight into disturbance impacts on water quality and drinking water treatability. In this study, an extensive hydrologic dataset collected at the experimental Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW) located on the Canadian Shield was used to quantify sources of stormflow in legacy clear-cut (24-years post harvesting) and forested (control) headwater catchments using an end member mixing analysis (EMMA) model. Stream water, groundwater, soil water, and throughfall water quality were evaluated during spring snowmelt, stormflow, and fall wet-up. Groundwater chemistry was similar to stream water chemistry in both catchments, suggesting that groundwater is a major contributor to stream flow. The water chemistry in small wetlands within the study catchments was comparable to stream water chemistry, suggesting that wetlands are also important contributors to stream flow. Differences in wetland position between the legacy clear-cut and control catchments appeared to have a greater influence on source contributions than legacy harvesting. Results from this study provide insight into runoff-generation processes that reflect event/seasonal flow dynamics and the impacts on water quality.

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