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Experimental Study on Vortex-Induced Vibration of Tension Leg and Riser for Full Depth Mooring Tension Leg Platform

Weiwei Zhou    
Menglan Duan    
Rongqi Chen    
Huixian Qiu    
Huiming Li    
Shisheng Wang and Yi Wang    


According to the geometric parameters of the tension leg platform, the test model was made with a scale ratio of 1:61. The model was used to conduct the full-depth simulation test of uniform flow and wave current combination in the test pool. The model test results showed that when the reduced speed was between 5.5 and 8.5, and the lateral motion response of the platform was the most significant. In the interval of the reduced speed, the response frequency of transverse vortex-induced motion was close to the natural transverse frequency of the platform, and resonance occurred. The amplitude of surge motion increased with the increase of reduced speed. Due to the pull of the floating body, the tension of tension legs and risers increased with the flow rate but did not increase significantly in the floating body lock zone. The mooring tension had a certain limiting effect on the floating body sway. The displacement modes of tension legs and risers were greatly affected by the flow velocity. With the flow velocity increasing, the mode order increased. In addition, the increase in tension caused by the large displacement of the floating body had a certain impact on the displacement amplitude. The wave could reduce the sway of the floating body and strengthen the surge. Therefore, under the combined action of wave and current, the tension amplitude of the tension leg and riser was increased compared with that under the uniform flow. The conclusions obtained in this paper could be used for reference in the engineering design of tension legs and risers.

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