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Space-Time Dynamics of Land Use in the Municipality of Goianésia Do Pará, Brazil

Andrés Velastegui-Montoya    
Aline de Lima and Marcos Adami    


Hydroelectric energy generates more than 50% of all renewable electricity in the world. The Amazon is home to a large part of these ventures, promoted as a strategy of energy independence in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the countries of the region. However, these hydroelectric plants lead to changes in land cover, fragmentation, degradation, and loss of tropical forests. This article analyzes the spatial pattern of alterations in the land cover of the municipality of Goianésia do Pará, one of the seven municipalities affected by the artificial lake of the Tucuruí hydroelectric plant. This case study integrates remote sensing and landscape metrics to identify, quantify, and spatialize the loss of tropical forest within the municipality by using satellite images of the TM-Landsat 5, ETM+-Landsat 7 and OLI-Landsat 8 sensors. The results show that the average deforestation rates were high in the first two periods: 1984?1988 (23,101.2 ha per year) and 1988?1999 (13,428.6 ha per year). However, this rate drastically fell in the last period because, by 2010, more than 60% of the territory was already deforested, which shows the consolidation of the municipality?s deforestation process.

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