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Inicio  /  Future Internet  /  Vol: 12 Par: 1 (2020)  /  Artículo

Coverage and Energy Efficiency Analysis for Two-Tier Heterogeneous Cellular Networks Based on Matérn Hard-Core Process

Jie Yang    
Ziyu Pan and Lihong Guo    


Due to the dense deployment of base stations (BSs) in heterogeneous cellular networks (HCNs), the energy efficiency (EE) of HCN has attracted the attention of academia and industry. Considering its mathematical tractability, the Poisson point process (PPP) has been employed to model HCNs and analyze their performance widely. The PPP falls short in modeling the effect of interference management techniques, which typically introduces some form of spatial mutual exclusion among BSs. In PPP, all the nodes are independent from each other. As such, PPP may not be suitable to model networks with interference management techniques, where there exists repulsion among the nodes. Considering this, we adopt the Matérn hard-core process (MHCP) instead of PPP, in which no two nodes can be closer than a repulsion radius from one another. In this paper, we study the coverage performance and EE of a two-tier HCN modelled by Matérn hard-core process (MHCP); we abbreviate this kind of two-tier HCN as MHCP-MHCP. We first derive the approximate expression of coverage probability of MHCP-MHCP by extending the approximate signal to interference ratio analysis based on the PPP (ASAPPP) method to multi-tier HCN. The concrete SIR gain of the MHCP model relative to the PPP model is derived through simulation and data fitting. On the basis of coverage analysis, we derive and formulate the EE of MHCP-MHCP network. Simulation results verify the correctness of our theoretical analysis and show the performance difference between the MHCP-MHCP and PPP modelled network.

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