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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 11 Par: 3 (2021)  /  Artículo

Research of Calibration Method for Industrial Robot Based on Error Model of Position

Tianyan Chen    
Jinsong Lin    
Deyu Wu and Haibin Wu    


Based on the current situation of high precision and comparatively low APA (absolute positioning accuracy) in industrial robots, a calibration method to enhance the APA of industrial robots is proposed. In view of the ?hidden? characteristics of the RBCS (robot base coordinate system) and the FCS (flange coordinate system) in the measurement process, a comparatively general measurement and calibration method of the RBCS and the FCS is proposed, and the source of the robot terminal position error is classified into three aspects: positioning error of industrial RBCS, kinematics parameter error of manipulator, and positioning error of industrial robot end FCS. The robot position error model is established, and the relation equation of the robot end position error and the industrial robot model parameter error is deduced. By solving the equation, the parameter error identification and the supplementary results are obtained, and the method of compensating the error by using the robot joint angle is realized. The Leica laser tracker is used to verify the calibration method on ABB IRB120 industrial robot. The experimental results show that the calibration method can effectively enhance the APA of the robot.

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