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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 9 Par: 13 (2019)  /  Artículo

Automatic Steering Control Algorithm Based on Compound Fuzzy PID for Rice Transplanter

Junnan Yin    
Dequan Zhu    
Juan Liao    
Guangyue Zhu    
Yao Wang and Shun Zhang    


In order to realize automatic steering controls of rice transplanters in paddy fields, an automatic steering control algorithm is essential. In this study, combining the fuzzy control with the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control and the kinematics model, a compound fuzzy PID controller was proposed to adjust the real time data of the PID parameters for the automatic steering control. The Kubota SPU-68C rice transplanter was then modified with the new controller. Next, an automatic steering control experimental with the modified transplanter was carried out under two conditions of linear tracking and headland turning in verifying the automatic steering effect of the transplanter in different steering angle situations. The results showed that the deviation with the new controller and the modified transplanter was acceptable, with maximum deviation in linear tracking of 7.5 cm, the maximum headland turning a deviation of 11.5 cm, and the average a deviation of less than 5 cm. In conclusion, within the allowable deviation range of the field operation of the rice transplanter, the proposed algorithm successfully realized automatic steering controls of the transplanter under different steering angles.

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