Wholemeal flours from various cereals and pseudocereals are a valuable source of nutritionally important fiber components, especially beta-glucans and arabinoxylans, as well as bioactive substances accompanying dietary fiber. Most types of whole-wheat flours have unfavorable baking and sensory properties. The finest granulation of bran particles in the flour has a significant effect on reducing or eliminating these deficiencies. Special disintegration equipment is required to achieve fine granulation of the bran particles. In this study, we have tested a special type of impact mill (originally intended for grinding of plastics) to produce special finely ground wholemeal flours with lower starch damage and higher farinographic absorption. Moisture content in the studied flours was significantly lower (7.4?9.8%) than is common in standard flour (13?14%). According to the results of flour analyses obtained from several cereal sources, it seems that especially in rye and wheat, this technology is suitable for both achieving fine granulation of bran particles and in terms of not very substantial damage of starch granules.