We construct a New Keynesian (NK) behavioural macroeconomic model with bounded-rationality (BR) and heterogeneous agents. We solve and simulate the model using a third-order approximation for a given policy and evaluate its properties using this solution. The model is inhabited by fully rational (RE) and BR agents. The latter are anticipated utility learners, given their beliefs of aggregate states, and they use simple heuristic rules to forecast aggregate variables exogenous to their micro-environment. In the most general form of the model, RE and BR agents learn from their forecasting errors by observing and comparing them with each other, making the composition of the two types endogenous. This reinforcement learning is then at the core of the heterogeneous expectations model and leads to the striking result that increasing the volatility of exogenous shocks, by assisting the learning process, increases the proportion of RE agents and is welfare-increasing.