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Inicio  /  Future Internet  /  Vol: 14 Par: 6 (2022)  /  Artículo

An In-Depth Review on Blockchain Simulators for IoT Environments

Jason Zheng    
Chidinma Dike    
Stefan Pancari    
Yi Wang    
George C. Giakos    
Wafa Elmannai and Bingyang Wei    


Simulating blockchain technology within the IoT has never been as important. Along with this comes the need to find suitable blockchain simulators capable of simulating blockchain networks within an IoT environment. Despite there being a wide variety of blockchain simulators, not all are capable of simulating within an IoT environment and not all are suitable for every IoT environment. This article will review previously published works and present a list of suitable blockchain simulators as well as a few untested simulators that have the potential to simulate blockchain networks within an IoT environment. A total of 18 blockchain simulators are presented and discussed in this paper. In addition, a comprehensive list of the advantages and limitations of each simulator is presented to demonstrate the best situation in which simulators should be used. Finally, recommendations are made on when each simulator should be used and in what situation it should be avoided.

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