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Inicio  /  Acoustics  /  Vol: 3 Par: 2 (2021)  /  Artículo

Active Noise Control System Based on the Improved Equation Error Model

Jun Yuan    
Jun Li    
Anfu Zhang    
Xiangdong Zhang and Jia Ran    


This paper presents an algorithm structure for an active noise control (ANC) system based on an improved equation error (EE) model that employs the offline secondary path modeling method. The noise of a compressor in a gas station is taken as an example to verify the performance of the proposed ANC system. The results show that the proposed ANC system improves the noise reduction performance and convergence speed compared with other typical ANC systems. In particular, it achieves 28 dBA noise attenuation at a frequency of about 250 Hz and a mean square error (MSE) of about -20 dB.

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