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A Reasoned Comparison between Two Hydrodynamic Models: Delft3D-Flow and ROMS (Regional Oceanic Modelling System)

Stefano Putzu    
Francesco Enrile    
Giovanni Besio    
Andrea Cucco    
Laura Cutroneo    
Marco Capello and Alessandro Stocchino    


Useful information, such as water levels, currents, salinity and temperature dynamics in water bodies, are obtained through numerical models in order to pursue scientific research or consultancy. Model validation dates back long ago, since such models started to be developed in the 1960s. Despite their usefulness and reliability in complex situations, some issues related to well-known benchmarks are still present. This work aims to analyse in detail the behaviour of the velocity profile, vertical eddy viscosity and tangential stresses at the bed in two cases of free surface flows; namely: uniform flow in an inclined rectangular channel and a wind-induced circulation in a closed basin. Computational results strongly depend on the turbulence closure model employed and a reasoned comparison is necessary to highlight possible improvements of these models. The strong differences that arise are deeply analysed in this work.

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