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Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 14 Par: 8 (2021)  /  Artículo

Constrained Dynamic Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection in Continuous-Time

Weiping Wu    
Lifen Wu    
Ruobing Xue and Shan Pang    


This paper revisits the dynamic MV portfolio selection problem with cone constraints in continuous-time. We first reformulate our constrained MV portfolio selection model into a special constrained LQ optimal control model and develop the optimal portfolio policy of our model. In addition, we provide an alternative method to resolve this dynamic MV portfolio selection problem with cone constraints. More specifically, instead of solving the correspondent HJB equation directly, we develop the optimal solution for this problem by using the special properties of value function induced from its model structure, such as the monotonicity and convexity of value function. Finally, we provide an example to illustrate how to use our solution in real application. The illustrative example demonstrates that our dynamic MV portfolio policy dominates the static MV portfolio policy.

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