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Inicio  /  Infrastructures  /  Vol: 7 Par: 11 (2022)  /  Artículo

High-Speed Railway Bridge and Pile Foundation: A Review

Brian Bachinilla    
Ana Evangelista    
Milind Siddhpura    
Assed N. Haddad and Bruno B. F. da Costa    


High-speed railway is trending in developing countries for economic reasons, mobility in the aftermath of COVID-19, and environmental concerns. The high-speed railway operators continuously improve the operational speed to transport more passengers in less time. However, increasing the train loads at high speed might increase the dynamic loads of bridges and affect their pile foundation. A stiffer railway bridge is mandatory for high-speed train safety and passenger riding comfort. However, a flexible bridge is ideal for responding to earthquakes. Thus, these two objectives are conflicting. This review paper provides a bibliometric review aiming to determine the published studies by year and by country, and to visualize different research trends in cluster maps using the VOSviewer software, summarizing the published research for high-speed railway bridges starting from 1964. The review also extracted information from the latest studies by summarizing some essential objectives, useful methodologies, and notable findings that might be applicable to future studies. In conclusion, there is a need for further research to fill the knowledge gap in the study related to the soil?structure interaction phenomenon considering the performance-based seismic design of a high-speed railway bridge on a monopile foundation in the event of lateral spreading due to soil liquefaction.

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