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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 13 Par: 2 (2023)  /  Artículo

Study and Design of Distributed Badminton Agility Training and Test System

Baohua Tan    
Enpu Wang    
Kan Cao    
Lu Xiao and Lina Luo    


In order to improve the agility of college students, this paper designs a distributed agility training system. The system includes an upper computer and nine lower computers, in which the lower computer realizes the functions of data acquisition and communication with the upper computer and calculates the reaction time. The Android-based system software was installed in the upper computer to complete the functions of network connection, setting training times and showing the exercise time. In order to test the effectiveness of the equipment, nine university students were invited to complete agility training over 8 weeks with the help of agility training equipment in preparatory, enhancement and special stages. A t-test (Student?s t test) was conducted on the test results at different positions on the front and middle and back areas of the court before and after the training. The results show that the agility of the experimental objects was significantly improved after training, from the midpoint to any point at the front, middle and back court (p < 0.01). This shows that using equipment designed to develop agility for long-term training can promote the sensitive quality in badminton learners.

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