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Transformations of Landscape Topography of the Belchatów Coal Mine (Central Poland) and the Surrounding Area Based on DEM Analysis

Marcin Jaskulski and Tomasz Nowak    


The authors analyze topography changes related to the construction and operation of the Belchatów Brown Coal Open Mine and Power Plant, one of Europe?s larger open-pit mines, situated in central Poland. In order to achieve this, a DEM (Digital Elevation Model) is prepared, based on archival materials from the pre-investment period. Source materials include German topographical maps, issued in 1944 by the Supreme High Command of the German Army (Oberkommando des Heeres/Generalstab). The second model of the same area is prepared based on DEM data included in the Topographical Database available by CODGiK (Main Centre of Geodetic and Cartographic Documentation). The preparation of two terrain models from different periods make it possible to evaluate the changes in the morphometry. Both models are compared using ArcGIS (ESRI) tools. The comparative analysis of the models allows for observing topography changes resulting from anthropogenic transformations related to the construction of the Brown Coal Open Mine Belchatów and Power Plant complex.

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