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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 13 Par: 18 (2023)  /  Artículo

A Denoising Method for Multi-Noise on Steel Surface Detection

Zhiwu Chen    
Wenjing Wang    
QingE Wu    
Yingbo Lu    
Lintao Zhou and Hu Chen    


In order to solve the problem that steel surface defects are easily covered or submerged by other objects or noise, this paper proposes an open?closed transformation algorithm which can eliminate or weaken multiple noises. In the case of a small number of samples, this paper establishes a super-resolution generative adversarial neural network to achieve the enhancement of sample data. For avoiding unrealistic image defects caused by cuts or brightness variations, an enhancement method is given which incorporates the original defective high-frequency information into classical image fusion methods, such as rotation and error slicing. Experimental results show that the accuracy of the proposed denoising method reaches over 90%, which is more than 2.6% of that of the most primitive classification network. To compare with existing denoising methods, the denoising method proposed in this paper not only has higher accuracy, faster denoising speed, and stronger anti-interference ability, but also has better adaptation to the environment. This research will provide a new solution method for the denoising of multi-noise phenomena in multiple different environments.

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