The first quantitative and comprehensive assessment of the eutrophication status from coastal to offshore French waters was performed within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD descriptor 5) for the English Channel, the southern bight of the North Sea, the Celtic Seas, the Bay of Biscay and the Western Mediterranean Sea. Based on a combination of different data sources (in situ, satellite, and modeling products), a fully-integrated dataset was generated over the period 2010?2016. Using the best available knowledge on the eutrophication process and definition, the assessment procedure was implemented considering nutrient pressures, and direct and indirect effects of excessive inputs. The different steps of the assessment were: (i) Establishment of assessment levels and thresholds, (ii) development of methodology for aggregation and integration of data, and (iii) qualification of the Environmental Status. We investigated how reliable this assessment procedure was when considering other complementary information. Results highlighted that, despite efforts in recent decades to reduced nutrient inputs, the pressure on coastal marine ecosystems was still high. We discuss options for improving the coherence between MSFD and other similar approaches and associated monitoring programs. This study identifies areas where an increased monitoring effort is needed to improve the assessment and where environmental management actions are of priority.