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Inicio  /  Hydrology  /  Vol: 10 Par: 2 (2023)  /  Artículo

A Qualitative Assessment of River Plumes Coupling SWAT Model Simulations and a Beach Optical Monitoring System

Nada Joumar    
Soumaya Nabih    
Antonis Chatzipavlis    
Adonis Velegrakis    
Thomas Hasiotis    
Ourania Tzoraki    
Jamal Eddine Stitou El Messari and Lahcen Benaabidate    


The study of plumes occurring at the mouth of small rivers of temporal flow is a challenging task due to the lack of sedimentological and flow data of appropriate spatiotemporal scales. The present contribution examined the case of a typical un-gauged intermittent Mediterranean stream located in Northern Crete (Xiropotamos river). The SWAT (soil and water assessment tool) model was used to simulate and reproduce the hydrological behavior of the adjacent intermittent (Giofyros) river discharging at the same beach, the basin of which has the same geomorphological and hydrological characteristics. The output of the calibrated SWAT model was used to simulate daily flow data for the year 2014. The results were then considered together with the results of the RGB analysis of optical datasets of high spatio-temporal resolution for the same period, derived from a beach optical monitoring system (BOMS). The RGB analysis of the optical (TIMEX) imagery was shown to be a useful technique to identify and classify coastal plumes by using the spatio-temporal variability of pixel properties. The technique was also shown to be useful for the (qualitative) validation of the SWAT output and could be further improved by the collection of ?ground truth? data.

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