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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 12 Par: 18 (2022)  /  Artículo

Field Test Study on Vertical Bearing Characteristics of Coal Rock

Yun Miao and Xudong Wang    


Coal rock is rarely used as the foundation bearing strata. For buildings located on coal rock, it is a reasonable and feasible way to obtain the vertical bearing characteristics of coal rock through field tests. Three plate load tests and two bi-directional load tests were carried out, and the design parameters of the vertical bearing capacity of the shallow foundation and the deep foundation were obtained, respectively. The plate load test results show that the pressure?settlement curve of coal rock is a steep-drop-type, and the deformation modulus decreases with the increase of the pressure. The bi-directional load test results show that the unit tip resistance-displacement curve of coal rock is a steep-drop-type, and the load transfer function of the unit tip resistance is an ideal elastic?plastic curve, and the displacement value corresponding to the ultimate bearing capacity is about 1% of the pile diameter. The load transfer function of the unit side resistance of coal rock is a hyperbolic curve. The equivalent pile top load?settlement curve obtained according to the load transfer functions of the unit tip resistance and the unit side resistance is consistent with the equivalent conversion results of the bi-directional load test method.

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