Deep learning architectures are the most effective methods for analyzing and classifying Ultra-Spectral Images (USI). However, effective training of a Deep Learning (DL) gradient classifier aiming to achieve high classification accuracy, is extremely costly and time-consuming. It requires huge datasets with hundreds or thousands of labeled specimens from expert scientists. This research exploits the MAML++ algorithm in order to introduce the Model-Agnostic Meta-Ensemble Zero-shot Learning (MAME-ZsL) approach. The MAME-ZsL overcomes the above difficulties, and it can be used as a powerful model to perform Hyperspectral Image Analysis (HIA). It is a novel optimization-based Meta-Ensemble Learning architecture, following a Zero-shot Learning (ZsL) prototype. To the best of our knowledge it is introduced to the literature for the first time. It facilitates learning of specialized techniques for the extraction of user-mediated representations, in complex Deep Learning architectures. Moreover, it leverages the use of first and second-order derivatives as pre-training methods. It enhances learning of features which do not cause issues of exploding or diminishing gradients; thus, it avoids potential overfitting. Moreover, it significantly reduces computational cost and training time, and it offers an improved training stability, high generalization performance and remarkable classification accuracy.