Regarding the case of complicated structural shape optimization, there are cases where there are partial shapes such as holes and irregularities inside the structure. Concerning the complex structural optimization shape, the relationship between the external boundary shape and the internal local shape should be maintained, and how to change the internal partial shape while maintaining a subordinate relationship with the external form has become an important issue. Currently, there is no good solution to this kind of problem using general optimization design software. Therefore, this paper proposes to use the basic vector method to solve the local shape dependency problem of partial shapes. First, this paper classifies the subordinate problems of partial shape into three primary patterns, theoretically proving a method for controlling subordinate relationships of partial forms, respectively. Then, the research also provides two classical application examples: shape optimization of a steam turbine implantation section and stress distribution optimization of an engine mount bracket. The results show that the optimization method is effective for the partial shape subordination problem in complex structural shape optimization problems. Finally, the study examines the problem of making a vectorial vector, a correlation between the basis vector and the remeshing problem of the analysis model in shape optimization, and further substantiates the validity of the method proposed by the body using the analysis result of the actual structural shape optimization case.