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Inicio  /  Agriculture  /  Vol: 12 Par: 9 (2022)  /  Artículo

Remotely Sensed Prediction of Rice Yield at Different Growth Durations Using UAV Multispectral Imagery

Shanjun Luo    
Xueqin Jiang    
Weihua Jiao    
Kaili Yang    
Yuanjin Li and Shenghui Fang    


A precise forecast of rice yields at the plot scale is essential for both food security and precision agriculture. In this work, we developed a novel technique to integrate UAV-based vegetation indices (VIs) with brightness, greenness, and moisture information obtained via tasseled cap transformation (TCT) to improve the precision of rice-yield estimates and eliminate saturation. Eight nitrogen gradients of rice were cultivated to acquire measurements on the ground, as well as six-band UAV images during the booting and heading periods. Several plot-level VIs were then computed based on the canopy reflectance derived from the UAV images. Meanwhile, the TCT-based retrieval of the plot brightness (B), greenness (G), and a third component (T) indicating the state of the rice growing and environmental information, was performed. The findings indicate that ground measurements are solely applicable to estimating rice yields at the booting stage. Furthermore, the VIs in conjunction with the TCT parameters exhibited a greater ability to predict the rice yields than the VIs alone. The final simulation models showed the highest accuracy at the booting stage, but with varying degrees of saturation. The yield-prediction models at the heading stage satisfied the requirement of high precision, without any obvious saturation phenomenon. The product of the VIs and the difference between the T and G (T - G) and the quotient of the T and B (T/B) was the optimum parameter for predicting the rice yield at the heading stage, with an estimation error below 7%. This study offers a guide and reference for rice-yield estimation and precision agriculture.

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