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Effects of Principal Stress Rotation on the Fluid-Induced Soil Response in a Porous Seabed

Zhengxu Li    
Dong-Sheng Jeng    
Jian-Feng Zhu and Hongyi Zhao    


Principal stress rotation (PSR) is an important feature for describing the stress status of marine sediments subject to cyclic loading. In this study, a one-way coupled numerical model that combines the fluid model (for wave?current interactions) and the soil model (including the effect of PSR) was established. Then, the proposed model was incorporated into the finite element analysis procedure DIANA-SWANDYNE II with PSR effects incorporated and further validated by the experimental data available in the literature. Finally, the impact of PSR on the pore-water pressures and the resultant seabed liquefaction were investigated using the numerical model, and it was found that PSR had a significant influence on the seabed response to combined wave and current loading.

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