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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 9 Par: 11 (2017)  /  Artículo

Evaluation of Sustainable Use of Water Resources in Beijing Based on Rough Set and Fuzzy Theory

Baohui Men    
Huanlong Liu    
Wei Tian and Haoyue Liu    


Water resources are not only the essence of human life, but also an important prerequisite which ensures the economic and social development of a country or city. Due to chronically global overexploitation, water crises have started to emerge. China, for example, is experiencing acute water scarcity. Even its capital, Beijing, faces enormous challenges in the sustainable use of water resources. Combining the compound system of social, economic, and ecological environments with the current situation in Beijing, this study established an evaluation index system. To determine the weight, the rough set theory was adopted in the index layer, fuzzy theory was employed in the rule layer and set pair analysis method, and attribute recognition theory was used as evaluation methods. In order to verify the accuracy of the results, the weights of indices were taken into the evaluation methods mentioned above after being calculated by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and entropy weight method, respectively. The matter-element model was used to evaluate the system and the Spearman correlation coefficient method aimed to compare all the results of the evaluation. The results indicated that water use efficiency and water management have been increasingly improved in Beijing on a yearly basis. Additionally, the results of the Spearman correlation coefficient method showed that the method of weight determination based on rough set and fuzzy theory is feasible in the evaluation of sustainable use of water resources.

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