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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 15 Par: 15 (2023)  /  Artículo

Evaluating Hydrological Drought Risk in Lithuania

Serhii Nazarenko    
Diana ?arauskiene    
Viktor Putrenko and Jurate Kriauciuniene    


Hydrological drought poses a major global challenge, exacerbated by climate change and increasing water demand, leading to water scarcity, environmental degradation, and socioeconomic impacts. Thereby, there is a need for comprehensive methods to assess and predict hydrological droughts. The methodology part was based on the calculation of hydrological drought risk components?hazard and vulnerability?according to the equal weight scale of each variable. The spatial distribution of point values was performed by the inverse distance weighting interpolation method. To calculate indices, the spatial layer overlapping of variables was performed using the Raster Calculator tool. Statistical tools were used to estimate drought risk in river catchments. As a result, three main maps were prepared: The hydrological drought hazard index, the hydrological drought vulnerability index, and the hydrological drought risk. These maps highlight regional variations in drought hazards, vulnerability, and risk. Hazard and risk index values are higher in the northern part of Lithuania and lower in the south. The central region exhibits the highest percentage of areas at high and very high risk; the western region shows less risk due to a maritime climate; and the Southeastern region demonstrates the lowest susceptibility to hydrological drought due to physical-geographical factors.

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